Short Dwarf Canna Varieties

Not many Dwarf Canna plants I grow actually stay short, they often only show their first flush of flower at a true dwarf height but by the end of their growing season they are at a much taller height. With this in consideration I have listed only those that eventually reach up to one meter tall.

Short growing cannas are ideal for potting up and being placed on the patio and for planting amongst low growing garden bulbs.

These low growing cannas are also known as Pixie, Mini, short dwarf plants, but they have never stayed as true short plants for me, these are the maximum height I've had these in ground plants reach over my long growing seasons. Heights are measured from the soil to the top of the flowers.

Canna Annjee Baby, grows up to 1 meter tall.


Canna Adorationgle  up to 90cm tall, this New Variety is available for sale 

Canna Alberich, up to 90 centimeters tall in the garden.

Artists Palletgle

Canna Artist Palletgle grows up to 1 meter tall.

Canna Beatrix, grows up to 1 meter tall.

Canna Capri grows up to 1 meter tall.

Canna Fiery Sparkles, grows up to 1 meter tall.

Canna Marjorie Cole, up to 80 centimeters tall.

Canna Louis Cottin, up to 80 centimeters tall.

Canna Lucifer, up to 1 meter tall in the garden.

Canna Niagara, up to 80 centimeters tall.

Canna Pringle Bay, up to 80 centimeters tall in the garden.

Canna Rock Melongle

Canna Rock Melongle, up to 85 centimeters tall.

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