Pretty in Pink Cannas

The Pink Cannas I grow come in a range of different shades.

Some are pale pastels pink, deep pink, salmon pink and rose pink.

Many of the Pink Cannas I grow are shaded with apricot, they either starting off an apricot tone and progress through to pink or open pink and progress to apricot.

Plant name and heights are also listed, short is up to one meter, medium is from above one to two meters and tall cannas are above two meters.

These heights are measured from the ground to the top of the flowers.

Some white cannas also go to a very pale pink tone, if its a pink toned canna, then it will be listed here, regardless of the color that it starts off at.

Canna Aida, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Alberich, short height, green foliage.

Canna Ambrosia, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Annei hybrid, tall height, green/colored foliage.

Canna Annjee, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Annjee Baby, short height, green foliage.

Canna Artiorae, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Beatrix, short height, green foliage.

Canna Cerise Gladdy, medium height, green foliage.

Canna City of Portland, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Constitution, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Cupid, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Di Bartolo, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Effie Cole, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Ehamanni, tall height, green foliage.

Canna Erebus, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Flamingo Dawn, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Gnom, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Henri Cohn, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Jean Sisley, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna John Lochner, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Joseph Buchan, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Journeys End, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Katie, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Madame Angele Martin, medium height, coloured foliage.

Canna Madame Butterfly, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Marie, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Marjorie Cole, short height, green foliage.

Canna Mattie Cole, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Maverick Magenta, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Mrs Alfred F. Conard, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Odinrae, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Orange Crush, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Philip, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Pink Perfection, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Porcelian Rose, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Port Denison, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Princess Yorke, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Pringle Bay, short height, variegated foliage.

Canna Renee, short height, colored foliage.

Canna Rosea Superba, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Rosebud,short height, green foliage.

Canna Rosever, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Ruby Cole, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Ruby Cole form #2,short height,green foliage.

Canna Tirol, medium height, colored green foliage.

Canna Tropical Biscuit, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Tropical Cocktail, medium height, colored foliage.

Canna Una, medium height, green foliage.

Canna Variegated Pink, short height, variegated foliage.

Canna Yemayarae, medium height, green foliage.

Pink Cannas in Your Garden? Share your Pictures or Story With Us.

Do you grow any Pink Cannas in your Garden?" we would love to see them. Is its Flower Dark or Pale pink, solid or Bi colored, what Colour are the Leaves. Which is your favourite Pink Flowering Canna? Share your photos or story about any Pink Cannas that you have.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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My favorite pink canna 
Hello 👋🏻 This canna has beautiful pink flowers and white edging at the tips of the flowers. I wish I knew the name of it!

best pink canna 
i took couple of rhizomes from an 8m drift along west position low fence.unfortunately another person stole from my garden 20 yrs ago.It had a green,maybe …

My Lovely Canna 'Una' 
Hi all this is my lovely Canna 'Una'..... as a child I grew up with canna's with my late grandmother growin then in her lovely gardens which is where my …

2013 didn't start very well for many people in Australia .. fires, flooding & massive storms .. and some areas are still experiencing terrible fires. …

My amazing sister and her ever expanding garden. Not rated yet
Cannas are so colourful. Currently my sister’s huge hillside garden is a sea of blue agapanthus, with hedge rows of red oleander, rows of white oleander, …

Special canna with pink flowers that hang down its Ehemannii. Not rated yet
This is Ehemannii I got from you with its beautiful dark pink drooping flowers from the first time it flowered, looking forwards to more flowers this coming …

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